Garmin 400 series simulator software
Garmin 400 series simulator software

garmin 400 series simulator software
  1. Garmin 400 series simulator software manuals#
  2. Garmin 400 series simulator software plus#

Use the small right knob to select the desired v alue and press ENT. T urn the large right knob to select the Barometric Pressure Field. F rom the T raffic Page, press the cursor t o highlight the Operating Mode field. T urn the small right knob to select “Setup?” and press ENT. T urn the small right knob to select the T raffic P age. C Ryan TCAD Setup P age (9900B only) T o change a TCAD setup option: 1. Use the small right knob to select “Change Fields?” and press ENT. T urn the small right knob to select the Map Pa g e.   TCAS-like symbols are used in the 9900BX.ġ7 9900B (TCAD) Symbols TRFC (White)-Altitude separa- tion >500 feet, steady altitude separation T A (Y ellow)-Altitude separa- tion £ 500 feet, steady altitude separation TRFC (White)-Altit.ġ8 sideoftheMapPage. T o display Thumbnail T raffic on the Map P age: 1.C F ailure Response Errorsindicatedbya“F AILED”messageonthe screenpreventcontinueduseoftheSKYW A TCH. PleaseseetheL-3SKYW A TCHPilot’ sGuidefor detailedinformationonFailureResponse.ġ6 SECTION 4: R Y AN TCAD INTERF ACE Allinformationinthissectionpertainingto thedis - playandcontroloftheR yan9900BTCADalsoapplies totheRyan9900BXTCADexceptforthefollowing:

garmin 400 series simulator software

C thetopthreedataelds(topfoureldsonthe500W Series)ontherightsideoftheMapPage. When a T raffic Advisory is active, the “T raffic” banner is displayed in the lower right corner of the Map P age.

Garmin 400 series simulator software manuals#

See the Garmin 400W or 500W Series Installation Manuals avail- able at your authorized Garmin service center for details. C NO TE: SKYWA TCH data is only displayed on the Map P age if suitable aircraft heading data is available. C Altitude Display Mode The name of the selected altitude display mode (ABV : look up, NRM: normal, BL W : look down, or UNR: unr estricted) is displayed in the upper left-hand corner of the T raffic Screen.ġ3 13 190-00356-31 Rev. Operating Mode is confirmed by the display of “OPER” in the upper right-hand corner of the T raffic P age. Press ENT to confirm operating mode and begin tracking intruder aircr aft.

garmin 400 series simulator software

T urn the small right knob to select OPER. C T o begin tracking intruder aircraft 1. C SECTION 3: SKYW A TCH INTERF A CE Introduction W iththeexceptionoftrafcdisplayrangeselec - tions,allinformationinthissectionpertain.ġ1 11 190-00356-31 Rev. C Lightning Display TheLightningPagedisplayseithera360°ora120° viewingangle.Innormaloperation,thecurrentstrike rateisdisplayedinthetoprightcorner ,accompanied inthetopleftcornerbytheword“L TNG”.ġ0 10 190-00356-31 Rev. Inthe400WSeries,When theSTORMSCOPEisconnectedtotheunit,theLightningPageappearsaftertheT rafcPageinthesequenceof NavPages.ĩ 9 190-00356-31 Rev. C Clearing the Map Page RoutinelyclearingtheMapPageofalldischarge pointsisagoodwaytodetermineifastormisbuild - ingordissipating.Inabuildingstormdischargepoints reappearfasterandinlar gernumbers.Ĩ 8 Lightning Page-400W Series InadditiontotheMapPage,stormdatacanalsobeviewedontheLightningPage.

garmin 400 series simulator software

Garmin 400 series simulator software plus#

Large Plus “+” sign (more than one minute old).ħ 7 190-00356-31 Rev. Lightning Symbol (latest strik es less than one minute a black guard band is placed around the strike symbol during the first six seconds of display). Ĥ SECTION 2: L-3 ST ORMSCOPE INTERF ACE L-3 STORMSCOPE Description NO TE : Refer to the WX-500 Pilot’ s Guide for a detailed description of the WX-500 ST ORMSCOPE.ĥ Displaying Storm Data on the Map Page TheMapPagedisplayscellorstrikeinformation usingyellowlightningstrikesymbologyoverlaid onamovingmap.Ħ 190-00356-31 Rev. ģ SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION TheGarmin400W/500WSeriesunitsprovidethedisplayinterfaceandcontr olforthefollowingtrafcand weatherdevices/systems: The system is subject to changes that could affect the accuracy and performance of all GPS equip- ment.Ģ T able of Contents SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION. C CAUTION: T he Global P ositioning System is operated by the United States government, which is solely responsible for its accuracy and maintenance. This Pilot’ s Guide Addendum is written for:  L-3 SKYW A TCH ® T rafc Advisory System (Model SKY497).L-3 STORMSCOPE ® WX-500 Weather Mapping Sensor.400W / 500W Series Display Interfaces Pilot’ s Guide Addendum

Garmin 400 series simulator software